Thursday, October 23, 2008


For literature I'm supposed to write my own "epic poem." It is supposed to have the 9 elements of an epic... Long, narrative poem, Elevated style, Imposing hero, Vast setting, Full of action and deeds of courage, Supernatural forces, Invocation of the muses, Long catalogue of ships, Begins in the middle of the story. I think is the most fun I've had with any of my assignments this year, but even so, writing this is HARDER than I originally thought it would be! I've started several times and had to restart again and again! Here is one of my tries....I thought it was going along great...until I remembered I was supposed to start in the MIDDLE of the story! Nonetheless, I'm going to finish it, because it is really fun to write!

Just so you know, this is about a "true" story. You can find the full account (though not in poetic form!) in Herodotus' The Histories!

Sing, O goddess, of the power
Of mighty Cyrus, full of valor.

He, who born among the mighty
Was guarded best by Aphrodite.

But a sweet, endearing babe
He was kidnapped by a knave.

Late in the silent, tranquil night
He with the little babe took flight.

He was to kill him out of sight
But in his heart, there was a fight.

Kill the child, so young, so dear?
He could not do it; that was clear.

But, alas, the job must be done
It must be finished now 'twas begun.

To a herdsman he took the child,
"Kill this babe, or I shan't be mild."

The herdsman, he took the little babe
To his cottage in the glade.

“My dear,” he told his loving wife,
“I have been told to take his life.”

The wife, she cried, “Let not it be,”
Let us raise him, you and me.”

"But dearest," so the herdsman said,
"I must give proof that he is dead."

"But you see," with saddest heart,
She told of their own babe's depart.

"He was stillborn," she mourned to say,
"But now we have a trick to play."

They took their own sweet, dearest babe,
And Cyrus' clothes to him gave.

"Now he looks of noble birth,
And they can put him in the earth."

The herdsman took the babe his son
And gave as proof his little one.

And so they raised the child, wee,
In their land so good and free.

And so Cyrus lived happily for many years,
'Til news of his existence reached hostile ears.

To Be Continued.......

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